Toys>Kids' Bikes & Riding Toys
Helmet,Helmet Led Helmet With Rear 1080p Helmet 1080p Camera With Rear Led And Helmet Rear Camera Rear Helmet Led - Helmet Led Helmet And
Helmet,Helmet Led Helmet With Rear 1080p Helmet 1080p Camera With Rear Led And Helmet Rear Camera Rear Helmet Led - Helmet Led Helmet And
Customer Reviews
The bike helmets are made of a high-quality PC and EPS film-forming technology, which is comfortable, and greatly enhances the impact of the helmets. Adjustable strap with quick release button and high-quality chin protector, maximize the best fit and comfortable wearing. The riding helmets are with front lights and rear warning taillights, letting more vehicles notice you even from a distance, it is practical for you. Bicycle helmets adopt a lightweight design, which can improve safety, and reduce the possibility of head injury during riding. The helmets come with a full high-definition front-facing camera, which can be used as a driving recorder or action camera during Cycle.